
Friday, January 20, 2012

Source: Braun appeal of positive drug test begins

NEW YORK (AP) -- Ryan Braun's appeal of his positive drug test began Thursday before baseball arbitrator Shyam Das.

The start of the National League MVP's appeal, first reported by the New York Daily News, was confirmed by a person familiar with the session who spoke on condition of anonymity because the proceeding was not to be made public.

Calls to Braun's agent, Nez Balelo, and Major League Baseball spokesman Pat Courtney were not returned.

If the test is not overturned, Braun would be suspended for Milwaukee's first 50 games.

When the positive drug test became public last month, Braun had a spokesman issue a statement saying there were circumstances supporting "Ryan's complete innocence."

Braun is to receive his MVP Award at a BBWAA dinner Saturday.

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