
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Former Badger Leuer comes well equipped to help Bucks

Upon entering the Bradley Center's confined home locker room, turn left to find Jon Leuer. Predictably, his stall occupies an area sometimes allotted to second-round rookies like him.

Already, though, he has adopted the proper veteran attitude about his chosen profession.

Leuer had just started his fourth game at forward, an accomplishment for a rookie second-round pick, and had played reasonably well against Denver earlier this week. But the Bucks had lost again. His head was down when I approached him.

"It would be better if (the starts) came in wins," he said. "It's good to be out there contributing, but when it's in a loss, it doesn't matter."

Leuer would say that at Wisconsin, too. It's just that he didn't have to say it so often. In his freshman year, the Badgers were 31-5. In each of his last two seasons, UW lost just nine games.

The Bucks already have lost nine in this abbreviated season, and yes, they have problems all over the place again. But one of them is not their second-round pick.

In fact, Leuer is the only member of the Bucks to have scored in double figures in five of the last six games. On a team with missing pieces, ill-fitting pieces and, oddly enough for a Scott Skiles-coached team, isn't getting back on defense, Leuer is one of the reasons to pay attention to the Bucks.

And that's not because he is the only UW player to have ever started a game for the 44-year-old franchise. Other than Minnesota-drafted Paul Grant, Leuer is the only Badger to have actually played for the Bucks. Local connections are fine, but the NBA doesn't make sympathy picks like it did back in the day, when several Badgers were drafted because an NBA team might think about taking your house pet in the eighth round if you agreed to buy a ticket.

The bottom-line league doesn't give away roster spots, either. Leuer's place in the NBA is strictly on merit. A second-rounder, or a final-rounder for the NBA's purposes, is never guaranteed a job. You could argue that Leuer is with the right team that had openings and injuries, but that would undersell his NBA skills.

Maybe you remember how Leuer was a 6-foot guard at a Minnesota high school when he grew 10 inches between his sophomore and junior seasons. He has guard-like agility in a big man's body unlike, say, the Bucks' first-round pick from last season, Larry Sanders. If anyone discounted Leuer's athleticism during his four years at Wisconsin, they weren't paying attention.

"I might have surprised some people," he said. "But I think I showed what I could do when I was there."

But Leuer was smart enough to not take his skills for granted. While the NBA was in lockout, he played professionally in Germany. He did not like the experience because he missed his support system and wasn't keen on the cultural differences, but it taught him to be a professional and play with the 24-second clock.

And the European players were definitely a cut above those in the Big Ten. Not nearly as good as NBA players but good enough to prepare him for what was to come.

"It's the speed of the game and how good the athletes are," he said. "Everybody has game. Everybody can run and jump. Everybody is strong and physical, so it's just a matter of how hard you compete that separates them."

Leuer went to the right school to earn a major in competition. He's also beginning to show how he will help the Bucks if they get their act together. And it's becoming clear that he has a real future in this league.

His salary, $473,604, is modest by NBA standards, but it's what he's doing with it that matters.

"Put it in the bank," he said. "Just driving what I had in college now, a 2003 Suburban. It's good for the snow."

Like its owner, the truck is not flashy. But it works and keeps plowing forward.

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